Established Since 2001.
Leading Innovators in Industrial Magents.

"An ISO9001:2008" Company

MAGNASLOT » a complete Magnetic Machine Bed
Magnaslot with spring blocks for clamping of rough jobs
Magnaslot with spring blocks for clamping of rough jobs
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
MAGNASLOT - 600x400
a job clamped Magnetically on MAGNASLOT
a job clamped Magnetically on MAGNASLOT
a job clamped Mechanically on MAGNASLOT
a job clamped Mechanically  on MAGNASLOT
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
MAGNASLOT Chuck Clamping a job magnetically
Milling Steel on Magnaslot using Magnetic Power
Milling Steel on Magnaslot using Magnetic Power
Milling Copper on Magnaslot using T-slots and clamps
Milling Copper on Magnaslot using T-slots and clamps
Magnaslot being used on a tomb for milling
Magnaslot being used on a tomb for milling
Milling on EDM Machine
Milling on EDM Machine
Features of Magnaslot
Features of Magnaslot