Art No. 61101
Magnetic Floater

- Stainless steel front cover.
- Robust construction.
- High separating power in compact size.
- Very simple installation.
- Can be attached to any machine in shearing/ press/ fabrication shop.
- Effectively separates oil-struck or heavily piled up sheets.
- Can be directly mounted vertically or installed with the L-shaped attachment.
- Separates stacked steel sheet for easy pick-up (one by one) from top.
- Most suitable for installation in narrow spaces because it is thin and compact.
- It is necessary to allow the floater to project above the sheet stack; this projection should be at least as great as the magnet width.
- Selection of the best type and quantity depends upon the following factors:
- Stack height
- Flatness of the sheets
- Surface condition
- Thickness and dimension of the sheet.
- The number of floaters required depends on whether the removal is mechanical or manual.
All Dimensions are in mm.
- Due to continuous upgradation in design there could be changes in specification.
- Other sizes on request.