
- Single piece body construction for high precision.
- 100% leak proof construction.
- Lowest height electro magnetic chucks.
- Electro Magnetic Chuck weight less by 10%-20%, hence increases the durability of grinder itself.
- Less than 5ºC temperature change after 1 hour working on these Electro Magnetic Chucks.
- Minimum power consumption.
- Possibility to combine several Electro Magnetic Chucks for a large uninterrupted surface.
- Due to low height of these Electro Magnetic Chucks, there is more space between the grinding wheel and the chuck, which enables the processing of larger work pieces.
- Electro Magnetic Chucks can be easily fitted to the surface grinder.
- Most ideal for standard components and for precision grinding.
- The low magnetic flux does not interfere with the grinding operation there by giving higher accuracy.
- It is the design to meet the demands of the latest grinding operations which require both heavy duty grinding and high precision.
- The operating voltage is 110 VDC.
- Can be designed for other operating voltages.